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The unfair treatment towards the LBGT community and her rights as a mother are what gave Sanlo the drive to get involved in activism and LGBT politics. |
However, he attracted an intensely loyal grassroots following, interacting through internet social media. |
Its remarkable history, including Ancient Egyptian, Hellenistic, Roman and Arab periods, has not yet received the full attention of scholars. |
Much learned research seems to have been idly expended on the supposed name, "Logan Rock." To log is a verb in general use throughout Cornwall for vibrating or rolling like a drunken man, and is frequently heard in provincial pronunciation for tug, characteristic of the modem present participle. |
However, at a time when national unity had just been challenged in the razor-thin results of the 1995 Quebec referendum, the federal government opted for a bilingually appropriate and nationally accepted, politically correct name for Canada's longest bridge connecting the mainland portion of the country to the province where the first meetings at the Charlottetown Conference in September 1864 led to the Confederation of British North America. |
Java has strong IDE support, due not only to its historical and economic importance, but also due to a combination of reflection and static-typing making it well-suited for IDE support. |
These processes are so intermingled and differences are so subtle that it becomes problematic for the linguist to dichotomize and proved explicit definitions for them. |
In an unusual twist for a contested leadership election of any political party with significant representation in its respective legislature under the Westminster parliamentary system, none of the candidates seeking the leadership are sitting members of the legislature. |
The strategy to maximise the medal yield and advantage for host country has been a major problem for Southeast Asian Games that being carried out by the host country. |
Oceania's national anthem is Oceania, Tis For Thee, which, in one of the three film versions of the book, takes the form of a crescendo of organ music along with operatic lyrics. |
In 1639, Elizabeth Cary, Lady Falkland died in London, poor, but rich in her generosity, talent and strength. |
Democracy in America predicted the violence of party spirit and the judgment of the wise subordinated to the prejudices of the ignorant. |
However, it is important to note that Guerrilla Girl beliefs are hardly monolithic, as individual members hold many different understandings of feminism. |
Morse code is erroneously called the original digital data mode (no international body such as the ITU considers Morse/CW to be a 'data mode'). |
HAMSAT VO-52 was a true masterpiece among small satellites, designed for one year mission life, but exceeded all expectations by serving for almost 10 years. |
This inexpensive cladding enhances the appearance of the stadium greatly. |
The game can be annoying due to the insane difficulty some of the levels hold and the frustrating music that seems to taunt you every time you die. |
Though quite true, a more apt reference to a real-world anthem would be The State Anthem of the Soviet Union as the tone, the meter, the style and even the music is reminiscent of the Soviet Anthem. |
The United Kingdom (to include England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) has one of the most comprehensive set of laws of any developed nation restricting most of the rights to import, purchase, possess, sell, and carry knives. |
However, he attracted an intensely loyal grassroots following, in large part energized by "iconoclastic white men" interacting through internet social media. |
Since most tourists prefer to tour the Black Sea coast by automobile or train, the construction of a Crimean bridge could potentially increase visitor numbers from 6 million to 10 million. |
As with most of Virginia (the Northern Virginia/Washington D.C. metro area being the notable exception), Norfolk is most often associated with the larger American South. |
With its far-reaching effect on ecologies and on cultures, the rabbit (or bunny) has made its way into some cultures' daily life—as food, clothing, and companion—and as a source of artistic inspiration. |
This is in part due to the party being dominated by an older generation of Nigerian politicians and the fact that a substantial base of its voters live in the predominantly Muslim Hausa-Fulani parts of Nigeria. |
This will turn Taman and nearby settlements into de-facto suburbs of Kerch. |
Since there were no actual eyewitnesses to the full incident, it is impossible to say that José Huertas González did not act on self-defense. |
An excerpt of the video might have been used in a Lenovo commercial titled "For Those Who Do." |
They are usually considered bad practice precisely because of their non-locality: a global variable can potentially be modified from anywhere (unless they reside in protected memory or are otherwise rendered read-only), and any part of the program may depend on it. |
He has set up 107 English Medium Education Centers serving nearly 25,000 Dalit and other poor and low caste children children working with Operation Mercy India Foundation. |
Its melody is rather similar to the canonical, almost cantor-like quality of the material on Stellar Regions. |
They can lead to problems of naming because a global variable defined in one file may conflict with the same name used for a global variable in another file (thus causing linking to fail). |
The planned twofold increase in tourist volume relative to the tourism in 2013 combined with the switching to Russian tourists, who spend about 3 times more on tourism services, should undoubtedly achieve the planned GDP growth. |
One can say that her process was very much organic and natural. |
In Europe, where Christian democrats defined their views as an alternative to the more leftist ideology of social democracy, Christian democratic parties are moderately conservative and centre-right overall, whereas in the very different cultural and political environment of North and South America they tend to lean to the left in economic issues and to the right in social issues. |
The initial inspiration for the game came from the imminent Invasion of Iraq but, as a whole, was intended as a reaction and challenge to the counter-productive pursuit of the wider War on Terror. |
The work is largely sombre despite the composer's official claim that he wished to write a positive work. |
The lyrics are sung in English, and the song is reminiscent of God Save the Queen and My Country, 'Tis of Thee. |
Thus, there was a core of allied countries which recognized their ultimate dependence on each other and on the fate of Western Germany, a group of surrounding neutrals which were sharply isolated by the 'iron curtain' for their cooperation with eastern powers and an outer group of more reluctant allies. |
More recently, jus ad bellum has given way to the Bush Doctrine's notion of the pre-emptive strike. |
It is one of the most famous streets in the world. |
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